Nach(Bible Class) 9:30am
Hilchos Shchita 8:00pm
Nesivos Shalom 8:00pm
Hilchos Shchita 9:00pm
Ohr Hachaim 8:00pm
6:55 – 7:00am Kisvai Chafetz Chayim
7:00am Daf Yomi (followed by Guitar)
8:00am Shachris
10:15am jog/ bike/ Hike with the Rabbi
7:30pm Chasson Classes by appointment (for married men too)
8:10 – 8:55pm Daf
8:55 – 9:30pm Mishna Berura
9:30 – 9:45pm schmooze with the Rabbi (by appointment)
9:45pm Maariv
5:55 – 6:00am Chafetz Chayim
6:00 – 7:00am Daf and Guitar
7:00am Shachris followed by Dvar Halacha
7:50 – 8:15am Mishna Berura/Chovos Halevavos
9:00am Daf Yomi
7:30pm – 8:10 Chasson Classes (by appointment)
8:10- 8:55pm Daf
8:55 – 9:30pm Mishna Berura (wed nights Chasidus)
9:30pm Schmooze with Rabbi (by appointment)
9:45pm Maariv
Wed night-Chabura Kumzits after marriv till 10:30pm
Tues nights 9:00 9:45pm– Special class for 9th Graders in the New BM
Friday Hiking (times will be sent out by email each week)
Vasikin Minyan followed by Kiddush
Youth Minyan in New BM
6am 18 Upstairs R Corens office
6:45am 18 Main Floor Back – room
9am 18 Upstairs R’ Corens office
8:45pm 20 Downstairs
8:45-9pm 18 Main
8:15-9 Thursday Night 20 Upstairs
7-8am 18 Upstairs
8:15 Pm until 9:45 Pm 18 Main Beis Medrash
8:15-9:45 18 Main
9:45-10:45 Thursday Night 20 Upstairs
To be announced